Strength analysis of oil tanker structure by nonlinear finite element method
Số 3 (70) 2020
Vũ Văn Tản,
Tạp chí Nghiên cứu khoa học - Đại học Sao Đỏ


In the ultimate limit state design of ship hulls, the safety and economy have the most important position in the whole design of ship structures. In this paper, ultimate strength of ship hull has been calculated by using the finite-element software. The modeling method which is suitable for ultimate strength calculation is gained. At the same time, ultimate loading capacity’s variation of series bulk carriers with length is gained. Finally the effective way of increasing ultimate loading capacity of river-to-sea ships has been obtained through changing thickness and material properties of key component of ship structure. It provides references for the design of river-to-sea ships.

Keywords: Ultimate strength; analysis;hull oil tanker; bending moment; ship structure.


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