Structural optimization of ship structures based on structural analysis using nonlinear finite element method
Số 2 (77) 2022
Vũ Văn Tản,
Tapj chis NCKH - Đại học Sao Đỏ

In this paper, ultimate strength and structural optimization of river-to-sea ships has been calculated by using the finite-element software, mainly to analyze under different working conditions of sagging and hogging bending moment. Each component of the river-to-sea ship is thickened separately, and the effectiveness of increasing the ultimate strength is measured by the percentage of weight increase and the percentage of ultimate strength increase, and the most effective method to improve the ultimate strength of the river-to-sea ship is obtained. And by changing the material distribution between the plate and the longitudinals, a series of calculations are carried out to obtain the safety range of the ultimate strength, and finally provide a reference for the design of the standard ship type directly from the river-to-sea ship.

Ultimate strength, analysis, ultimate bending moment, river-to-sea ship, ship structure
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